Here you can find the bulk of all the articles and columns I have written since the early 2000’s. A large part is in the leading Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter. Earlier texts are mostly only in print.
Framstegsbloggen (the Progress Blog)
[In Swedish]
Blog in Dagens Nyheter 2011–2017 highlighting progress and misconceptions about progress. Awarded by Swedish Science Academy IVA in 2015.
Read here: Part one (December 2013–March 2017), Part two (August 2011–November 2013)
Essays, articles, and scripts on various topics from politics and psychology to the more esoteric realm.
Dagens Nyheter
[In Swedish]
Thousands of articles covering politics, economics, science, culture and general news from my over twenty years at the leading Swedish newspaper.
Follow-up blog on books
[In Swedish]
Further discussions on my books ”Apokalypsens gosiga mörker” (“The Cozy Darkness of the Apocalypse”) and ”Farväl, oskuld” (“Farewell, Innocence”).
Other media outlets
A selection of articles elsewhere
Covering Life Beyond Earth (UAPs, NHIs)
[February 2025, In English]
Overview of events and recent disclosure, written for Frontier Journalists’ Network
My columns and articles at Warp News
[In English]
Overarching theme: The world is better than we are led to believe.
Special report on AI
[October 2024, In English]
How do STORM, Consensus and ChatGPT represent the nature of reality? An investigation for Frontier Journalists’ Network.
Covering Consciousness
[January 2023, In English]
Overview of research on consciousness, written for Frontier Journalists’ Network
Story ideas for the FJN
[Aug 2023 – present, In English]
Coverage of the intersection of science and spirituality, written for Frontier Journalists’ Network.
Covering the Placebo effect
[May 2024, In English]
Overview of research on the Placebo effect, written for Frontier Journalists’ Network
Det svenska gängvåldet – fortfarande en gåta för experterna
[Fokus, 02-05-2025, In Swedish]
Two things about gang violence in Sweden challenge theories: The unique gun-based MO and the absence of a spill-over of the deadly violence
Första motorn som går av sig själv
[Fokus, 01-07-2025, In Swedish]
Quantum mechanics is starting to sniff out how we can harness zero-point energy, which is free
Drömmen om fri energi är på väg att förverkligas
[Fokus, 11-13-2024, In Swedish]
Truly free energy is possible, but it requires that we also set our minds free.
Drömmen om Atlantis kan visa sig sann
[Fokus, 10-09-2024, In Swedish]
About new findings in research on a possible lost civilization.
Ovälkommen nepo-baby kan avgöra presidentvalet
[Fokus, 07-17-2024, In Swedish]
About independent US presidential candidate RFK Jr.
”Människan klarar ett varmare klimat”
[Fokus, 07-08-2024, In Swedish]
Op-ed challenging the dominating climate narrative.
Därför hittar forskarna inte medvetandet på någon plats i hjärnan
[Fokus, 05-08-2024, In Swedish]
A review of cutting edge science in a field that was long suppressed.
Varför dör allt fler yngre?
[Fokus, 04-13-2024, In Swedish]
A mysterious continued excess mortality after the pandemic.
[Fokus, 01-11-2024, In Swedish]
Politicians say war and poverty drive migration. Not so. The main driver is labor demand.
Varför är det så varmt?
[Fokus, 11-28-2023, In Swedish]
Analyzing a spike in temperature in 2023 that confuses experts on all sides.
Lever vi i en postapokalyptisk civilisation?
[Fokus, 07-18-2023, In Swedish]
Long read covering evidence that civilization began long before we are led to believe.
Covidpolitiken – censur som aldrig fick ifrågasättas
[Fokus 06-07-2023, In Swedish]
Long read covering lawsuit against Washington on breach of First amendment.
Därför tonas goda nyheter om klimatet ned
[Fokus, 04-24-2023, in Swedish]
Analyzing article dissecting driving forces behind the IPCC.
Succéfilmen ’Don’t Look Up’ har fått allt om bakfoten
[Fokus, 01-25-2022, in Swedish]
Column criticizing director Adam McKay for getting things backwards.
Trots rubrikerna – klimatläget ganska hoppfullt
[Fokus, 11-05-2021, in Swedish]
Analyzing article ahead of COP-26 summit comparing facts with official narrative.
Nu talar siffrorna för att Afrikas tid är här
[Svenska Dagbladet, 09-16-2018, in Swedish]
Erik Esbjörnsson and I write about Africa’s window of opportunity.
State of the World in Two Minutes
[On Dagens Nyheter’s Youtube channel, 06-08-2016]
Video explainer summing up major global trends.
Utopierna som försvann i mediebruset
[Uttryck Magazine, 04-08-2015, in Swedish]
An essay on the utopia-dystopia theme.
Are you ignorant about the world?
[CNN, 03-07-2015]
During a trip in the US with Dr Hans Rosling, Gapminder foundation, I wrote this piece for CNN.
Ekonomiska krisen inte så farlig för Sverige
[Dagens Nyheter, 08-09-2009, in Swedish]
Op-ed. Thesis: The 2008 economic crisis will show to be a small dip on the long-term growth curve.